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Find out more about the places to eat and drink that await within minutes of your holiday resort, and take a look at a fantastic selection of pubs, restaurants, cafes, tea rooms, and much more!
Welcome to our ultimate guide to the best places to eat and drink. Whether you're a seasoned foodie, a casual diner, or someone seeking the perfect spot for a relaxing pub lunch, we have created a guide of the top places to eat and drink near your holiday park!
We have picked out the best places to eat and drink for you to choose from.
We have even more fantastic suggestions of things you can do near our holiday park!
Things to do | Beaches | Leisure & sport | Walks & Trails | Attractions | Local events | Places to eat & drink | Shopping | Travel tips
Whilst you wait... just think about being in your swimmers, the sun's out and the smiles are big
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